June 11, 2011

Emails not reaching to clients email box

Emails not reaching to clients email box errrr!!!

Sending email but not reaching to clients email box?

This issue is rare but you can or facing it finally. There can be following reasons of this:

You are using plain php mail() function, email delivered from which mostly treated as an anonymous sender


You have to work on email headers a lot but still we will not suggest you to use this function if your enquires are really serious. But these enquiries are only require to reach to you and they are reaching to you so you can use this function. But if you have to send or forward these form submissions or notifications to your website subscribers so you should use authenticated way which is described below.

You are using PEAR PHP SMTP method, which use authentication but due to the following reasons your emails are reaching in inbox

  1. Your credentials (mail server, email address, password, outgoing port) are incorrect
  2. Your outgoing port for the mail server is different from port 25
  3. Your recipient has strict filters and your email is not being entertained
  4. You are sending email to an email address which is setup on an exchange server etc.


First of all try to “echo” the send function either its sending your email or not? If its printing “1” so the reason “a” does not exist.
Secondly try to login your mail server and make your that your outgoing port for source email address is 25 or whatever is it? Update in your script and try again.

Third and fourth issue is not an easy thing. You are suggested to create a gmail account and send an email to your target email address by composing an email from your inbox. If email is reaching so try to send email through SMTP method using gmail account information.

You are putting everything correct but still email is not reaching in inbox

What is the matter and what is its solution?

In fact this issue rarely occurs or rarely developers face this one. Because it exists always but not appeared always. The developers who have worked on double opt in or bulk mail sending scripts they can understand that by putting maximum efforts still emails don’t reach in inboxes every time. The reason is that your source email address is not white listed. We can send emails to each other but can’t force the recipient’s server to make us white listed. For this we have to inform few know services that include our email address/mail server in white list so recipients will get our emails directly in their inboxes.
We will discuss about those authorities in next article and also will mention the process to request them to white list an email address or mail server. Emails not reaching to clients email box can be a big trouble when the whole project is almost finished but emails are not reaching to their expected destinations.

Last updated: March 19, 2014