March 3, 2012

The fraction of CPU time handling the data transfer with and without DMA

The fraction of CPU time handling the data transfer with and without DMA


An I/O device transfers data at a rate of 5MB/s over a 100MB/s bus. The data is transferred in 2KB blocks. If the processor operates at 500MHz, and it takes a total of 5000 cycles to handle each DMA request, find the fraction of CPU time handling the data transfer with and without DMA


Without DMA
The processor here copies the data into memory as it is sent over the bus. Since
the I/O device sends data at a rate of 10MB/s over the 100MB/s bus, 5 % of each second
is spent transferring data. Thus 5% of the CPU time is spent copying data to memory.

With DMA
Time required in handling each DMA request is 5000 cycles. Since 500 DMA requests are issued (10MB/2KB) the total time taken is 25, 000, 00 cycles. As the CPU
clock is 500MHZ, the fraction of CPU time spent is 25,000,00/(5000×106) or 5%.

Last updated: March 19, 2014