WordPress Plugin

Injection Guard


  • It keeps an eye on every request (valid/invalid) made to your website.
  • You can weekly or monthly visit to settings page and can choose that which parameter is not related to you at all.
  • Simply blacklist that parameter for that URL (path). It will not harm you anymore.
  • Once your website will stop responding on invalid requests, you will get better reputation among search engines including Google.


  • Removes Headaches to Beginners
    Injection Guard with Wordfence allows me to sleep and not worry. Don’t even have to check all of the reported links. Along with articles about security in wp-config this beginner is extremely satisfied with the Injection Guard plugin.

  • A good tool to keep an eye on
    Using this plugin, you can check the query variables which are incoming to your website for injection purpose.

    "Fahad Mahmood"
  • i like it.
    yeah it’s good – had been searching for a solution like this for quite a while, provides good security without breaking your site. would recommend. definitely worth a $15 donation to make up for removal of stress and headaches.

  • excellent

February 21, 2014

WordPress Plugin – Injection Guard

WordPress Plugin – Injection Guard Description

Injection Guard is a wordpress plugin which helps you to get relax about security of your website which can be disturbed by invalid query string based requests. It is much better that if you are using pretty permalinks so you can deny all of the query string parameters straightaway instead of having headache of a list of whitelisted parameters and blacklisted as well. I am a PHP, WordPress developer and i faced a lot of inconvenience regarding keep an eye on security threats related to query strings and user’s activity. Our debugging process demands continuous monitoring to the number of requests and their types. So, I coded a number of fixes for wordpress sites and few of them are in form of articles on my blog.

Keywords: sql injection, http injection, site hacked, hacking, anti-hacking, injection, injection guard, injection shield, unauthorized requests, invalid access, error 404

Did it helped? 2 thoughts on “WordPress Plugin – Injection Guard
  1. Usman

    Hi, Good job, you are genius 🙂

    1. admin Post author

      Thanks, how is your experience with this one?

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