Freelancing is just a mood or attitude to work for yourself or to convince yourself to work for yourself. But what are the things which can destroy your mood and ruin this attitude. Think about it. People are suffering from this, we all need a partner to rely on, its a fact. Think about the […]
function get_products_and_packages(){ $args = array( ‘post_type’ => ‘product’, ‘posts_per_page’ => -1, ‘product_tag’ => array(‘package’) ); $packages = get_posts($args); $currency = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol(); $arr = array(); if(!empty($packages)): foreach($packages as $package): $meta = get_post_meta($package->ID); $arr[$package->ID][‘name’] = $package->post_name; $arr[$package->ID][‘title’] = $package->post_title; $arr[$package->ID][‘price’] = current($meta[‘_regular_price’]); $arr[$package->ID][‘display_price’] = $currency.$arr[$package->ID][‘price’]; endforeach; endif; return $arr; }
What i wrote to apply? I have spent 9+ years in job and felt that the growth was retarded. Freelancing give you and opportunity to explore new technologies and tasks you love to do. Finally you get a unique identity on web which is an asset undoubtedly. In job i wasn’t able to relax even […]
Guava Pattern – A WordPress Theme Framework Guava Pattern is first WordPress theme development framework from Asia/Pakistan. This framework is based on codestar with a lot of extended functionality. Purpose to develop this framework is to improve theme development experience and to automate a few time taking things. Who is Guava Pattern For? Guava Pattern […]
WordPress as a tool for Freelancers WordPress is basically a content management system but due to collection of free themes, plugins and widgets available on made it really attractive for domain owners. is another easy way to start your blog quickly. Freelancers as a term is still evolving and techies are still not […]
I am not sure that why i am writing this post to internet connectivity category. This category was created in early days when i was studying in MCS and previous topics were not related to internet speed obviously 🙂 but this one huhh… In fact i was comparing the internet speed of my working place […]
PHP currency format for belgium <?php echo number_format($value, 2, ‘,’, ‘.’); ?> function cte2($str){ $value = str_replace(array(‘€’, ‘,’), ”, $str); $value = number_format($value, 2, ‘,’, ‘.’); return ‘€’.$value; }
WordPress Plugin – WP Datepicker